Are you trying to check the balance on your Alaska EBT Card or Alaska Quest card? In today’s post, we will outline the ways you can find out your Alaska EBT card balance. The Department of Health and Social Services website (DHSS) is responsible for administering the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), also known as the Food Stamp Program. SNAP enables low-income families the ability to purchase nutritious food by providing monthly food assistance benefits. Benefits are distributed to Alaska SNAP recipients via a plastic Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card.
This post will cover:
- Alaska EBT Payment Schedule
- How to Check Alaska EBT Card Balance
- EBT Frequently Asked Questions
Alaska EBT Payment Schedule
The Alaska EBT Card (also known as the Quest Card) holds the food assistance benefits assigned to you each month. Your benefits will be deposited onto your EBT card according to the schedule below:
Food Stamps Benefits in Alaska are deposited into EBT Card accounts on the first day of every month.
Once your benefits are deposited into your account, you can begin using them with your Alaska EBT card to purchase eligible food items. For a full list of approved food items, see the Food Stamps Eligible Food List here.
For more information on how to check your Alaska EBT Card Balance, please continue reading below.
How to Check Alaska EBT Card Balance
Here’s how to check the balance on your Alaska Quest card.
Option 1 – Check your Last Receipt
The first option for checking your Alaska Quest card balance is to check your last receipt. This is the easiest and quickest way to locate the current balance on your Alaska EBT Card.
Your balance will be listed at the bottom of your most recent grocery store or an ATM receipt. You should get in the habit of keeping your most current EBT receipt, that way, you always have a quick way to check your balance before you shop.
Option 2 – Login to your Edge EBT Account
The second option for checking your Alaska Quest Card balance is online through the Edge EBT website.
To log in, visit the ebtEDGE website here, then enter your User ID and Password. Once logged in, you’ll be able to view your current balance and transaction history. If you do not have an Edge EBT account, you can create a User Account here.
Option 3 – Check by Phone
The last option for checking your Alaska food stamps card balance is by phone. Call the EBT Customer Service number (1-888-997-8111) on the back of your card. The Customer Service Hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
After you call, enter your sixteen (16) digit EBT card number and you will hear your current food assistance or cash account balance(s).
Report a lost, stolen or damaged Alaska EBT Card
If your card is lost, stolen or damaged call EBT Customer Service at 1-888-997-8111 right away.
Alaska EBT Card Help
For information on how to renew your card, get the list of stores that accept EBT, and tips on how to keep your card safe and secure, visit the Department of Health and Social Services website (DHSS) here.
We hope you found this article helpful! If you have any additional questions about the Alaska EBT card or need help finding your EBT balance, please let us know in the comments section below. If you found this article helpful, please share it using the “Share this” button below.
Lastly, be sure to check out our other articles about Alaska SNAP & EBT, including:
Free Admissions with SNAP EBT Card to Museums
What you can buy with EBT Card
Alaska Quest Card Deposit Schedule
I cannot log into the EBT website to view my balance because I forgot my login and password. I need help accessing the site.